Category: News & Archives

Viva la Causa!

On Monday, September 26, 2011 YAYA hosted a movie screening of “Viva La Causa” at the Ethos restaurant with the YCL with 20 attendees. The screeni... Read More »

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Photo of a tobacco worker featured in Oxfams "A State of Fear" report.

Oxfam & FLOC Release New Report

[caption id="attachment_1388" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Photo of a tobacco worker featured in Oxfams "A State of Fear" report.... Read More »

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Fair Food Summit in Immokalee

On September 15, 2011, Orlando YAYA members Nicole Godreau, Leslie Cordero and I piled into a car with NFWM staff Bert Perry to make the 3.5 hour driv... Read More »

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Tampa Bay YAYA events

On September 17-18, members of Tampa Bay YAYA participated in a series of events that were put together to recruit new members and educate YAYAs about... Read More »

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OCIC’s 46th Annual NFWM Fundraiser Event September 18 2011

[caption id="attachment_1428" align="alignright" wid... Read More »

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Olgha Sierra Sandman speaking at a NFWM rally outside Burger King headquarters in 2008

A Happy Birthday to a Blessed Institution

by Olgha Sierra Sandman, CWU IL representative on the NFWM Board (The following article was published in the September 2011 issue of Church Women Uni... Read More »

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Update on NFWM & CIW

by Bert Perry, NFWM Florida [caption id="attachment_1406" align="alignright" width="212" caption="Bert Perry as marshall at the UCC CIW march July 20... Read More »

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Bike Pilgrimage to Publix HQ with the CIW

On a rainy Tuesday morning, September 6, Orlando YAYA members Juan Barredo and Katie Gillett joined the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) and allie... Read More »

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2011 NFWM Board Meeting

On Aug 26-27, YAYA members Jimmy Dunson (Tampa Bay YAYA), Drew Beres and Jenny Lee (Olympia YAYA) attended the 2011 Fall Board Meeting for the Nationa... Read More »

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School Supply Fair in Apopka

On Tuesday, August 16th, YAYA participated in a health and school supply fair at the Apopka Family Learning Center, whose aim is to "Empower Childre... Read More »

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