Category: News & Archives

National Call-in Day to Wendy’s headquarters

When: Number:   Script:    Background: More than 80% of farmworker women experience sexual harassment and/or assault in the workplace.... Read More »

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FWM-NW Visits with PCUN

Kudos to Connie Yost, Co-President of Farm Worker Ministry Northwest, a member organization of NFWM, for being a part of a recent trip to visit PCUN i... Read More »

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NFWM Files Complaints with NC Legislature Ethics Committee about S615

D... Read More »

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Supporters Voice Outrage at NC Senate Bill 615 & Governor Cooper’s Signing it!

On Ju... Read More »

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Grow the Equitable Food Initiative – Take this short survey!

Short Survey NFWM is proud to be one of the founding members of the Equitable Food Initiative through the work of NFWM's former Director Virgini... Read More »

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Reflections on Justice for Farm Workers from NFWM’s Duke Divinity School Intern

Andy Blakely, Martin Perez Hernandez, Chris Burner at the FLOC members meeting July 2, 2... Read More »

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Justice for Nabra Vigil

On June 22, the Orlando YAYA Chapter attended a vigil to demand justice for Nabra Hassanen, the Muslim teenage girl who was brutally murdered in Resto... Read More »

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Young American Dreamers March in Lakeland on May 1

It was a pleasure to join the Young American Dreamers for their March for Immigrant Rights on May 1 in Lakeland, FL. Lakeland doesn't see too many ma... Read More »

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Roots of Migration Workshop at First Unitarian in Orlando

Thank you so much to the First Unitarian Church in Orlando and Rev. Kathy Schmitz for inviting YAYA to give a presentation on the Roots of Migration o... Read More »

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Trust Orlando Kickoff at City Hall

On Saturday, June 3rd, YAYA joined 35 organizations and over 200 people in asking the City of Orlando to adopt an ordinance to make our city more welc... Read More »

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