Category: News & Archives

NFWM Endorses FLOC’s Boycott of Reynolds American VUSE

On January 27, 2018, the NFWM Board of Directors voted to endorse the Farm Labor Organizing Committee’s (FLOC) boycott of Reynolds American VUSE e-c... Read More »

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OCIC Spring Newsletter & Annual UFW Fundraiser

Orange County Interfaith Committee To Aid Farm Workers (OCIC) annual spring fundraiser for the United Farm Workers of America will be held Sunday, Apr... Read More »

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NFWM Supports Harvest Without Violence

At the January 2018 meeting, the NFWM board adopted a statement of support for the Coalition of Immokalee Workers’ (CIW) Harvest without Violence. ... Read More »

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Give Thanks to Farm Workers for our Food

To sustain us this Thanksgiving - A message from NFWM Executive Director Julie Taylor So much is attached to this holiday - commercials, traditions, e... Read More »

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FLOC Sues North Carolina to Protect Farm Worker Rights

FLOC Vice-President Justin Flores announce filing of the lawsuit at a press conference o... Read More »

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A Precious Gift from a Farm Worker

Dr. Charles Kyle, formerly on the board of the Illinois Farm Worker Ministry and at one time a representative from the Association of Chicago Priests ... Read More »

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A YAYA Dreamer on the fight in D.C. and at UCF

Hello, my name is Karen Caudillo and I’m a DACA student. DACA stands for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. This program was set up to provide ... Read More »

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Clinica de Migrantes Film Screening at UCF

By Aashutosh Pyakuryal On Friday October 13th, the Orlando chapter of YAYA participated in a screening of the film Clinica de Migrantes,which chronic... Read More »

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Theatre of the Oppressed Workshop: A Review

By Tareek Leonard On September 30th at roughly 7:45am 17 people walked into the Hope CommUnity Center in Apopka, Florida and began to embark on an ... Read More »

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Welcome John Caleb Wise, Duke Divinity School Ministerial Intern

NFWM is pleased to introduce our Academic Year Duke Divinity School Ministerial Intern - John Caleb.  From day one, John Caleb enthusiastically jumpe... Read More »

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