Category: News & Archives

Solidarity with the people of Sorrento!

On Tuesday June 23, a group of 20 young adults, members and supporters of YAYA and farm workers, attended the Sorrento Community Meeting with Lake Co... Read More »

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Harvest of Justice

National Farm Worker Ministry encourages our supporters to participate in a tradition of the farm worker movement -- hosting a sacrificial meal honori... Read More »

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Planning a Harvest of Justice

Setting a Time for the Feast For some congregations, a simple luncheon after Sunday worship is the best way to get maximum participation. For others, ... Read More »

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Oraciones para los Trabajores Agrícolas y Migrantes

Permision para reproducir mateiales de NFWM no es necesario, pero favor de citar a NFWM como fuente. Oración Inicial Líder. Recordemos las pal... Read More »

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Lecturas y Reflexiones

Permision para reproducir mateiales de NFWM no es necesario, pero favor de citar a NFWM como fuente. Dorothy Day La gente joven dice, '¿Qué bien ... Read More »

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Escrituras Relacionadas con Campesinos e Inmigrantes

RESPONSABILIDAD SOCIAL Y LA ACCIÓN: Deuteronomio 15:11: Abrirás tu mano al pobre Proverbios 21:13: Escucha el clamor del pobre 2ª Timoteo 1:7: Esp... Read More »

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Good News for Florida Farmworkers from the Fair Food campaign

Here’s the news from Interfaith Action of Southwest Florida … NFWM had some fantastic news today: Alderman Farms and Lady Moon Farms, two of Flor... Read More »

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CALL FOR HELP for Florida Farm Workers Affected by Flooding

Due to flooding during the Memorial Day week, farm workers in our east coast area of Florida have been left without work. This is creating a hardship ... Read More »

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Call for Help for Florida Farm Workers Affected by Flooding

Farm workers on the east coast of central Florida have been hard hit because of the rains over the Memorial Day weekend and the loss of work resulting... Read More »

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A Contemplative Day: Farmworker Voices

Copy and pass around to group. Ask for volunteers to take the part of Workers 1, 2, 3 and 4. Faciltator can read the part of “Reader.” Worker 1:... Read More »

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