Category: News & Archives

May 1: March and Vigil for Immigrant, Civil and Human Rights

United Methodist Women and Local Advocacy Groups Gather in St. Louis on May 1 to Call for Immigrant, Civil and Human Rights On Saturday, May 1, 2010,... Read More »

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March for Justice: Tobaccoville to Reynolds Tobacco Headquarters in Winston-Salem, NC

March 31, the 83rd anniversary of Cesar Chavez’s birth, couldn’t have been a better day to march in solidarity with tobacco farmworkers. In the co... Read More »

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2010's Farm Worker Awareness Week

2010's Farm Worker Awareness Week was an exciting opportunity for YAYA members to bring awareness about the farm worker movement to their communities.... Read More »

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H2 Worker Movie Screening

We were very excited to join UCF's Student for a Democratic Society (SDS) for their monthly film screening at Natura Cafe on April 5. We screened the ... Read More »

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CIW’s Modern-Day Slavery Museum

On April 2nd Orlando YAYA partnered with UCF's Campus Peace Action’s Tent City and Student Labor Action Project at UCF to host the Coalition of Immo... Read More »

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Farmworker Awareness Week Radio Show Special!

YAYA returned to Front Porch Radio with Julie Norris for a special about Farm Worker Awareness Week on Cesar Chavez' birthday, March 31st. Bert Perry ... Read More »

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Farm Worker Panel at Evergreen University

On March 30th Evergreen YAYAs, along with the Evergreen Labor Center, Center for Community Based Learning and Action, and four academic programs, spon... Read More »

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President Obama Issues Proclamation Honoring Cesar Chavez

On the anniversary of Cesar Chavez’s birthday, March 31, President Barak Obama met with UFW President Arturo S. Rodriquez, UFW co-founder Dolores Hu... Read More »

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NFWM Staff March in DC for Immigration Reform

Several NFWM staff traveled to Washington DC to join the more than 200,000 people from across the country for the Reform Immigration For America march... Read More »

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YAYAs Volunteer in Farm Worker Communities

During the month of March, Orlando YAYA members volunteered in several farm worker events. We would like to thank our volunteers for all their help! ... Read More »

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