Tag Archives: Florida

FLOC's 11th Constitutional Convention

On the first weekend of October Matt Garcia and Lauren Gill attended the Farm Labor Organizing Committee's (FLOC) 11th Constitutional Convention. "We... Read More »

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Open Mic Night!

On September 19, YAYA cosponsored the event with ACTSions29, a local youth group headed by our own Matthew Garcia, for a night of great music and slam... Read More »

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End oppression in the tobacco fields

In September, YAYA took action with students at Florida International University in Miami to raise concerns about an urgent need for action from one o... Read More »

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Seventh Bicycle Delivery

On July 18th, as part of our Farm Worker Bicycle Drive, our friends and supporters from the St Augustine Bicycle Collective helped us fix and deliver ... Read More »

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YAYAs Demand "Real Food with Integrity" From Chipotle

Orlando YAYA members went to the Chipotle-sponsored screening of the movie "Food Inc", to educate people about the issues faced by tomato pickers and ... Read More »

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Solidarity with the people of Sorrento!

On Tuesday June 23, a group of 20 young adults, members and supporters of YAYA and farm workers, attended the Sorrento Community Meeting with Lake Co... Read More »

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Good News for Florida Farmworkers from the Fair Food campaign

Here’s the news from Interfaith Action of Southwest Florida … NFWM had some fantastic news today: Alderman Farms and Lady Moon Farms, two of Flor... Read More »

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CALL FOR HELP for Florida Farm Workers Affected by Flooding

Due to flooding during the Memorial Day week, farm workers in our east coast area of Florida have been left without work. This is creating a hardship ... Read More »

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Call for Help for Florida Farm Workers Affected by Flooding

Farm workers on the east coast of central Florida have been hard hit because of the rains over the Memorial Day weekend and the loss of work resulting... Read More »

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A Contemplative Day: Farmworker Communion

Pass around for each participant to read one paragraph each before the meal. Communal Act Many generations after that first supper, there was anothe... Read More »

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