As part of Migrant Justice’s newly launched “Adopt a Hannaford’ strategy, Vermont farm workers have announced a Regional Day of Action on Saturday, May 1st, at Hannaford retail stores across the Northeast. From Burlington to Boston, from Portland to Providence, supporters will call on the company to ensure human rights for the farm workers behind Hannaford brand milk!
For over two years now, farm workers have called on Hannaford Supermarkets to join Milk with Dignity and protect farm worker rights and well-being. Despite dozens of actions and thousands of calls and emails, Hannaford continues to avoid responsibility. In December 2020, NFWM sent a letter to Hannaford asking them to join the Milk with Dignity campaign, but Hannaford never responded. This means that the company hasn’t yet felt enough pressure. For Hannaford to come to the table and talk with farm workers, they will need to hear from their customers consistently and throughout the region.
This year for May Day 5/1/22, International Workers Day, farm workers invite you to take action at a Hannaford store near you! Learn how to take action – both by yourself and in a group – at your local Hannaford store to consistently show your solidarity with farm workers’ fight for Milk with Dignity! Check out this guide and start taking action today! Please sign-up to take action at your local Hannaford on May 1st (or before) by filling out this form.
Can’t participate in person? You can still take action for Milk with Dignity on social media! Check the Hannaford Facebook page (@Hannaford) and open up the comment section in a recent post to write in your own comment about Milk with Dignity.
- You can write messages like:
- Hannaford: Respond to Farm Workers, Join #MilkWithDignity!
- Hannaford: It’s time to join #MilkWithDignity!
- Hannaford: No more charity, we want #MilkWithDignity!
- Report back to us when you have taken action!
In Northern Washington? Come out this Internal Workers Day (May 1st) to Marcha Campesina and show your support for tulip workers and Familias Unidas por la Justicia. Celebrate the victory in the tulip fields with the workers and let them know you will continue to stand with them for the long haul fight for a just food system!
After years of wage theft, enduring harsh climate conditions, and working without proper protective equipment, tulip workers courageously walked off the job and organized a strike at Roozengarde tulips last month to demand improvements to conditions and pay. Within three days they secured direct negotiations with the company and won most of their demands!
Participants will gather at 9 am at Edgewater Park at 600 Behrens Millett Rd. Mount Vernon, WA. The march will proceed through Mt Vernon to Burlington (approx 4 miles) and end with a food and community celebration at Horseshoe Park. Sign up here to be a Marcha Campesina Volunteer.
Learn more about Migrant Justice.
Learn more about Milk with Dignity.
Learn more about Familias Unidas.