Category: News & Archives

NC Resources

NC Resources English versions are on the left, Spanish on the right. All files are pdf format. Bible Study: Hands of Harvest, Hearts of Justice (Eng... Read More »

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Campaign Materials- FLOC RT

Campaign Materials FLOC Reynolds Tobacco NFWM's Reynolds Campaign Fact Sheet FLOC's Reynold's Fact Sheet Letter to Susan Ivey FLOC JP Mor... Read More »

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Campaign News- FLOC RT

Campaign News FLOC Reynolds Tobacco Campaign Current Campaign News RJR CEO Ivey earns $7.9 million in 2007 - a 24% increase - Forbes, March... Read More »

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Background- FLOC RT

Background and History FLOC Reynolds Tobacco Campaign R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company is the second-largest tobacco company in the United States, manu... Read More »

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Take Action- FLOC RT

Take Action! FLOC Reynolds Tobacco Campaign Send a letter to Reynolds American CEO Susan Ivey, asking her to meet with the Farm Labor Organizing Commi... Read More »

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Farm Worker Conditions in California

California is by far the state with the largest number of farm workers in the U.S. who perform a variety of jobs on the state's over 80,000 farms. Exa... Read More »

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2009 FWA in Florida

This year's Farm Worker Awareness Week was a success! Young people in Florida worked hard to honor farm workers, support farm worker campaigns and bri... Read More »

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Poem by Matthew Garcia

Poem by Matthew Garcia Ignorance is Bliss Is a myth. See when I walk into the store and I buy groceries or go through a drive thru I don't see the fac... Read More »

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Slave of Hopes / Tomatoes

Slave of Hopes America sets me free, I bend and left my dreams, Each morning before the sun rises. The room full of empty dreams, The elders’ skin w... Read More »

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FWA 2009 in Orlando and Winter Park, Florida

Young people from Orlando and Winter Park, Florida planned and participated in several events for Farm Worker Awareness Week 2009. Here is a short rep... Read More »

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