Author Archives: Julie Taylor

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Advent candles

Mary Sings of Justice: An Advent Reflection

New download available!  Mary Sings of Justice, Then and Now, An Advent Reflection, by Julie Taylor, NFWM Executive Director Originally pub... Read More »

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Deliver with Dignity

Deliver with Dignity!

NFWM supports the efforts of the CIW in launching the #deliverwithdignity campaign from the Student/Farmworker Alliance. Please contact the following... Read More »

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Stop Corrupt H2A Labor Contractors

Stop Corrupt H2A Labor Contractors!

FLOC has launched a new campaign against corrupt H2A labor contractors. The U.S. Department of Labor and corporate giants like Reynolds America have a... Read More »

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OCICF Fall Newsletter

Orange County Interfaith Committee Fall Newsletter!

Check out the latest edition of the Orange County Interfaith Committee Newsletter: OCICAF November 2020 Newsletter (pdf)... Read More »

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Giving Thanks for Food …and those who pick and prepare it A Thanksgiving Litany for Congregations

A Thanksgiving Litany for Congregations

New download available!  Giving Thanks for Food …and those who pick and prepare it: A Thanksgiving Litany for Congregations Find more pra... Read More »

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Farm Workers and the Environment

Harvest of Justice 2020: Farm Workers and the Environment

Harvest of Justice 2020: Farm Workers & the Environment The impacts of climate change are being felt all over the U.S. through higher temperature... Read More »

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Welcome Interns

Welcome and Welcome Back to our newest interns!

Welcome, Kaitlyn Burton and welcome back Jonathan Milliken! We are proud to welcome Kaitlyn Burton and Jonathan Milliken as the Duke Divinity School I... Read More »

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Action Alert: Tobacco Farm Workers

Action Alert: Support Tobacco Farm Workers in North Carolina!

Act Now in Solidarity with Tobacco Farm Workers! As you may have heard, in the past week the situation has become more dire for farm workers in Nor... Read More »

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WOmen Leaders in Organizing

Women Leaders in Organizing: a Panel Discussion

  Women Leaders i... Read More »

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