Tag Archives: Cesar Chavez

President Obama Issues Proclamation Honoring Cesar Chavez

On the anniversary of Cesar Chavez’s birthday, March 31, President Barak Obama met with UFW President Arturo S. Rodriquez, UFW co-founder Dolores Hu... Read More »

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A Contemplative Day: Cesar Chavez’s Fasts for Righteousnes

This should be read before the walking meditation, and can be read by being passed from one participant to the next. Facilitator can choose to use 1-2... Read More »

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Litanies and Responsive Prayers

LITANTY OF CHRISTIAN HOPE  From scripture and the words of Cesar Chavez Leader: When we are really honest with ourselves, we m... Read More »

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Cesar Chavez

Cesar Chavez was the founder of the United Farm Workers. He advocated tirelessly for justice in the struggle to achieve equality for farm workers. Cl... Read More »

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NFWM staff travel to Sacramento with farm workers to share their stories with state legislators

On Thursday, April 23, the anniversary of Cesar Chavez's death, about 100 farm workers traveled to the State Capitol in Sacramento to share their stor... Read More »

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Celebrate Cesar’s Birthday during Farm Worker Awareness Week

In the spring, NFWM traditionally encourages each of our supporters to celebrate Cesar's birthday by sharing your commitment to farm worker justice wi... Read More »

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Quotes from Cesar Chavez

“What do we want the church to do? We ask for its presence with us, beside us, as Christ among us. We ask the church to sacrifice with the people fo... Read More »

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Teach or Lead a Study group on Cesar

Do you teach? Or desire to lead a study group? The Chavez Foundation and NFWM offers some great resources to bring the lessons of Chavez and the stru... Read More »

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United Farm Workers’ Prayer

UNITED FARM WORKERS' PRAYER written by Cesar Chavez Show me the suffering of the most miserable, so I may know my people's plight. Free me to pray ... Read More »

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