Workers in the Field

Intro to Issues Affecting Farm Workers Webinar

Farm workers are among the poorest workers in the U.S. Hazardous conditions are routine and include pesticide exposure, heat stress, lack of shade, an... Read More »

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Pushing Back Against Loosening Child Labor Laws

Pushing Back Against Loosening Child Labor Laws. Yes! Magazine

States across the country are attempting to weaken child labor protections, just as violations of these standards are rising. This report identifies b... Read More »

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Campesinas Convene at the U.S. Capital

Over 100 farm worker women (campesinas) from across the U.S. gathered at the U.S. capitol in April. Alianza Nacional de Campesinas, Inc., a farm worke... Read More »

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NFWM Sends Second Letter to Hannaford Supermarkets

The National Farm Worker Ministry sent its second letter to Hannaford Supermarkets to request they join the Milk with Dignity Program. The first lette... Read More »

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Farmworkers Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

Farmworkers: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. HBO.

John Oliver discusses the conditions farmworkers face, and how we’ve failed to protect them. View the full video on YouTube: April 17, 202... Read More »

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Children Working in Agriculture Face Grueling Labor With Little Legal Protection Speakers Say

Children Working in Agriculture Face Grueling Labor with Little Legal Protection. The Tablet

Children working in agriculture face grueling labor with little legal protection, speakers say. They are exposed to harsh conditions, pesticides, and ... Read More »

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Marching to “Build A New World” For Farm Workers

Written By: Julie Taylor, NFWM Executive Director On Tuesday, March 14th, 120 CIW farm workers, organizers, and supporters took the first steps on ... Read More »

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We Should Care About Farm Workers All Year

Written by Ashley Hoyt, law student at Florida State University It may be surprising, but the food we eat doesn’t just grow on trees and then mag... Read More »

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A Reflection of FWAF’s General Assembly

Written By: Austin Spence, NFWM’s Duke Divinity Intern On March 5, Julie Taylor (NFWM’s Executive Director) and I had the pleasure of celebrati... Read More »

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3 Ways To Support CIW’s “Build A New World” March

On March 14th, farm workers with the Coalition of Immokalee Workers and their allies will embark on a 5-day march from Pahokee, FL, to Palm Beach... Read More »

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