Category: News & Archives

Celebration of the life of Jack Preiss, June 15th

Jack and Joan Preiss long held, and will for many years to come, an important and cherished place in the family of the National Farm Worker Ministry. ... Read More »

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Alexandria Jonas Moves On

We say goodbye and a big thank you to Alexandria (A... Read More »

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Farm Workers and Allies Attend Starbucks Annual SM

On March 20th, Starbucks held their annual shareholder meeting in Seattle, WA. Supporters were there from Farm Worker Ministry-North West (FWM-NW): Co... Read More »

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Thank You Eric Turner, Duke Divinity School Intern

There is a conundrum when the photographer is documenting the action, you don’t get a picture of him/her. For the March 28th Circle K action, E... Read More »

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Circle K Take VUSE Away!

Until Reynolds American Inc negotiates and signs an agreement with the Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC) guaranteeing farm workers in its supply ... Read More »

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Hear UFW President Teresa Romero May 5th in Orange, CA

The Orange County Interfaith Committee to Aid Farmworkers will hold its annual fundraising dinner for the United Farm Workers on Sunday, May 5th. ... Read More »

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March 28th Picket at Circle K in Raleigh

Support Farm Workers! 4:30 - 5:30 pm Sidewalk Picket To CARPOOL from Durham, email To CARPOOL from Chapel Hill, ema... Read More »

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Send a video to Starbucks!

  !function(e,t,s,i){var n="InfogramEmbeds",o=e.getElementsByTagName("script")[0],d=/^http:/.test(e.location)?"http:":"https:";if(/^\/{2}/.test(... Read More »

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NFWM Board Meets in San Jose, CA

During the weekend of February 1st, the NFWM Board held its bi-annual meeting in San Jose, CA. We were graciously hosted by former board member Pastor... Read More »

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Take Action: Tell Premiere Raspberries & Well-Pict to Honor the Farm Workers’ Union Contract

Join Rox Monterastelli & Carolyn Jaramillo of the Loretto Community and Write your letter today!   HERE IS WHY.  Premiere workers... Read More »

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