On July 9th, YAYA held a fundraising yard sale where all the money raised would go directly to YAYA to help fund activities like letter writing campaigns, farm worker bike drives, immigration trainings and educational events.
The night before the yard sale we stayed up into the early hours of the morning, making signs and assigning roles for the yard sale. All the YAYAs woke up really early so we could start setting up, our earliest customer coming at 6:30 in the morning. At the yard sale we sold furniture, books, appliances, electronics, and even a lava lamp.
Overall, the yard sale was a success because we helped increase YAYA’s visibility within the community, as well as helping build relationships with other people and organizations within our community through their donations. Thanks to everyone who donated items, time and energy to making this fundraiser a success!
Nicole Godreau
Orlando YAYA
(Photos courtesy of Katie Gillett)