Cosponsors needed for the Agricultural Workers Program
From now until September 6th, please take the time to contact your Congressional Representatives while they are on summer recess. If possible, look for opportunities to meet with them at local events or make an appointment with them in their district office, or simply e-mail or call the district office to invite them to cosponsor The Agricultural Workers Act (S. 175/H.R. 641) if they have not already. For contact info, go to Find Your Representative
The Agricultural Workers Program Act provides a path to citizenship for farm workers and their families, desperately needed since the escalation of immigration raids around the country. It also provides a reliable and legal work force for growers in their communities. This legislation would help keep farm worker families together as they work to feed our families.
For talking points and a guide to making these contacts, go to our download. For background on the Agricultural Workers Program, download this resource here.
Please speak up for farm workers now!
Together, we will let Congress know that we care about farm workers.