There is a conundrum when the photographer is documenting the action, you don’t get a picture of him/her. For the March 28th Circle K action, Eric Turner took hundreds of photographs. You can see them here on our Flickr page. But you won’t see a single photo of Eric. So we’ll have to make do with the one Dave Austin took of Eric at an earlier Boycott VUSE action in Chapel Hill (Above, Eric is second from the right).
Thank you to Eric for being NFWM’s Duke Divinity School 2018-19 academic year intern. We appreciate his perspectives on justice issues and his willingness to pitch in a do whatever came up. And a special thank you on his work organizing and promoting the major action at Circle K and supporting FLOC’s boycott of Reynolds American e-cigarette VUSE. And if you gave a donation to NFWM in the past six months, you likely got a thank you acknowledgement from Eric. His faithfulness to that task is very much appreciated.
We wish Eric a wonderful future and much success building a program in the Montgomery, AL area to address food insecurity in low income communities.