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Sign Our Petition For Immigration Reform!

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We need comprehensive immigration reform that is just and humane now! Congress continues to debate immigration reform and what to include in current legislation, and we must urge them to create policies that put farm workers first. We know that immigration policy deeply impacts farm workers and the current system treats them as invisible and expendable. Farm workers and other essential workers deserve to be treated with dignity and recognized for their invaluable contributions to the U.S. (Learn more about farm workers and immigration.)

Sign NFWM’s petition telling The Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement in the House and Subcommittee on Immigration, Citizenship, and Border Safety in the Senate that immigration reform is long past due! 

Sign The Petition

You can also use the below copy to send an email to your legislator. Use this tool to find contact information for your representative and senators. 

Letter Copy:

Dear ——-

Immigration policy significantly impacts farm workers. Many of the over two million farm workers in the U.S. are undocumented, which means our agricultural system heavily relies on the labor of workers who lack authorized immigration status.

Current immigration policy is inadequate and leaves many farm workers vulnerable to abuse, substandard working conditions, and depressed wages. Criminalizing immigrants leaves many farm workers living in constant fear of detention, deportation, and being separated from their families. We need a just and humane immigration system that respects the dignity of all immigrants and includes reasonable pathways to citizenship for farm workers and other essential workers.

Immigration reform is long past-due and should include:

I urge you to work with your colleagues bi-partisanly to pass comprehensive immigration reform that is just and humane. Undocumented farm workers and other vulnerable workers cannot keep waiting for Congress to do the right thing for our economy and nation.



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