On Monday July 22nd, 2010, Orlando YAYA organized a rally in front of Senator LeMieux’s office in Down Town Orlando. We were joined by Deland YAYA and several other organizations including the Farm Workers Association of Florida, Democracia and others. Over 90 people attended the rally where we demanded Senator LeMieux’s support of AgJobs and the Dream Act.
A small group of students and representatives from YAYA and a few members of the Farm Workers Association of Florida headed inside the office where they met with Senator LeMieux’s aid John Newstreet.
After the meeting in the office, John Newstreet agreed to join everyone downstairs. They headed outside and met with the rest of the rally attendees. Once outside, students and members of Deland YAYA hand delivered 1,000 petitions/signatures that six students had collected in support of the Dream Act.
The petition delivery was followed by speeches by Johanna Vesga from Orlando YAYA (watch a video of her speech here), Angel Delgado Ramos from the Farm Worker Association of Florida (watch a video of his speech here) and others. Everyone was very excited. Johanna talked about her experience as an immigrant and her memories of the struggle and hardship that her mom had to endure to give her a better life. Angel talked about the fact that even though he is not undocumented anymore, he still fights for others because everyone has the right to work and prosper. All the speakers talked about support and joining forces in the struggle for justice.
At the end of the event everyone made phone calls to the Senator’s office and asked for his support of the two bills. It was an inspiring event and we were all glad that Senator LeMieux’s aid agreed to at least meet with all of us (You can watch his response to our requests here). It was a step forward and we will continue fighting.
Nadia Garzon
Orlando YAYA
(Photos and video courtesy of Nadia Garzon and Juan Barredo)