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Rally at Kangaroo in Support of Tobacco Farm Workers

Join the Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC) and the National Farm Worker Ministry for a 30-minute rally at the RJR tobacco-purchaser Kangaroo/Pantry Retail store this WEDNESDAY, September 18th. Demand that farm workers who pick tobacco in North Carolina get the justice they deserve!

What: Rally in support of tobacco workers and FLOC.

When: THIS WEDNESDAY, September 18th at 5:30 pm.

Where: Kangaroo / Pantry Retail store located at 3301 Guess Road in Durham, NC.

Why: To stand in solidarity with FLOC as they continue pressuring RJ Reynolds (RJR) to use their enormous economic clout to ensure dignity and justice for workers in the tobacco supply chain.

Multi-party face-to-face meetings between FLOC and RJR have been taking place over the spring and summer, but it appears that RJR may only be using this forum to avoid making the real changes that are necessary in the supply chain – changes that would eliminate human trafficking, the squalid condition of labor-camps , and the state of fear experienced by workers on NC tobacco farms.

FLOC is continuing its pressure on the retail part of the supply chain: including Kangaroo Pantry, 7-11, and WaWa stores. Be a part of the change that farm workers so desperately fight for!

For more information contact Dave Austin

RSVP on Facebook

Please send us a short report of your involvement in this action. Wear a YAYA shirt or hold an NFWM/YAYA sign, take a picture, and send it to us. We would love to post it on our website!

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