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President Obama Issues Proclamation Honoring Cesar Chavez

obamasigns_0.jpgOn the anniversary of Cesar Chavez’s birthday, March 31, President Barak Obama met with UFW President Arturo S. Rodriquez, UFW co-founder Dolores Huerta, and members of the Chavez family in the White House Oval office. President Obama signed a proclamation honoring Cesar Chavez. Following the meeting, Arturo Rodriquez said, “We thank President Obama for honoring Cesar Chavez on this important day for millions of Americans. We thank the President for his concern for the farm workers who feed our nation every day, and for his strong support of immigration reform. No other change is more urgently needed, and would be more lasting.”

CLICK HERE for President Obama’s Proclamation
CLICK HERE to read statements of Arturo Rodriguez & Paul Chavez.

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