The Presbyterian Youth Triennium is a gathering for high school age youth from the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church that occurs every three years. The 2016 event was held this July at Purdue University. Over 4500 youth attended. The theme for 2016 was “GO.”
On the last day of the event, July 22nd, there was an Advocacy Walk around the campus. During the Walk participants had the opportunity to stop at stations along the way to learn about national and global missions of the CPC and PCUSA. National Farm Worker Ministry sponsored a station which was focused on the Berry Boycott of Sakuma Brothers and Driscoll’s. Over 100 young Presbyterians signed a petition which went to the CEOs of both companies urging them to support a fair contract with FUJ. In addition, the walkers took selfies in support of the boycott and blew up social media with the hastags #FUJSolidaridad, #BoycottDriscolls, #Boycottsakuma !
A big thank you to Pam Phillips-Burk, Missions Ministry Team-Women’s Ministries, Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Pam helped create the Advocacy Walk display and did great job personing the station and teaching the young people about farm worker justice.