Pray, Fast and ACT for Dairy Workers SEPT. 20th

Dear Farm Worker Supporters,
In solidarity with the Darigold 12+ and UFW leadership on September 20th in Seattle, WA, NFWM is calling on its supporters, wherever you are, to pledge to pray, fast and act with these workers. Your pledge and actions send a message that retaliation will not be tolerated, farm workers deserve better.

On September 20th, fast all day or one meal to be in solidarity with the workers.

Pray before, during and after September 20th for farm workers to have the right to address their working conditions without fear of retaliation.

Act by taking time between now and September 20th to call the CEOs of Wal-mart and Starbucks, as Darigold retailers, to demand that Darigold treat its workers with dignity and respect.

NFWM is asking supporters to make a pledge to join the Pray, Fast and ACT efforts leading up to and on September 20th. Your pledge provides us with your name and location to share with these farm workers so they will know that they have allies around the country. If you can be in Seattle, go to Seattle, but if you cannot, then make the pledge! Click here.

In solidarity, Julie Taylor, NFWM Executive Director

Click here to make your SOLIDARITY PLEDGE with DAIRY WORKERS.

Call Darigold Retailers

Hello, I’d like to speak to ____ (CEO Name). I am calling because I want to make sure ____ (Company Name) is aware that Darigold workers throughout Washington state are facing gross mistreatment by their employers including sexual harassment, racial discrimination, unsafe workplaces, and stolen lunch breaks. As ____ (Company Name) is a Darigold customer, I hope you will demand that Darigold treat their workers with dignity and respect. Thank you!

Starbucks, Kevin Johnson: 206-447-1575
Walmart, Doug McMillon: 1-800-925-6278

We Pray for Justice for Dairy Workers

Pray with Margarito Martinez, Armando Herrera, Elvis Flamenco, Cirilo Ramirez, Gildardo Perez, Jesus Perez, Teresita Anguiano, Saul Solorio, Rafael Muniz, Manuel Reynaga, Miguel Cuevas, and Miguel Espiritu. AND with Maria Miranda Gonzalez. AND with thousands more dairy workers.

Fast with the Dairy Workers


  • We fast so no Darigold dairy worker is subjected to illegal retribution, much less threatened or retaliated against for speaking out.
  • We fast so dairy workers employed at Darigold dairies can have a safe workplace and can freely speak out to report workplace hazards without fear of retaliation.
  • We fast so dairy workers employed at Darigold dairies are not fearful of reporting workplace dangers.
  • We fast for reconciliation so dairy owners and workers together with the UFW and other allies, can partner to create a truly dignified industry where everyone can work safely and be respected as the professionals they are.

Click here for The Full Story

Click here to sign the Darigold Petition

Dairy farm workers are some of Washington’s hardest workers, often spending more than 12 hours a day on the job across nearly 400 dairies. 90% of Washington’s dairy farms supply Darigold, a large cooperative that sells more than $2 billion worth of dairy products every year.

Thank you for standing with farm workers.

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