National Farm Worker Ministry (NFWM) seeks a creative, innovative professional with a proven track record in nonprofit fundraising and strategic communications.
Organizational Overview
NFWM is a progressive faith-based organization committed to justice for and empowerment of farm workers. Since its organization in 1971, the ministry has worked with farm workers in their struggle for justice and equality and supported farm-worker-led efforts to improve wages and working and living conditions. The organization has partnered and engaged with farm workers in their communities and campaigns with a focus on educating, equipping, and mobilizing member organizations, other faith communities and justice seekers for effective support of those efforts both regionally and nationally.
Position Overview
The Communications & Development Director is responsible for developing and accomplishing the communication strategies for NFWM which provide information and action opportunities for faith communities to engage in farm worker justice issues. The Communication & Development Director is also responsible, with the Executive Director, for designing an annual development strategy and fundraising plan, and implementing online and individual donor activities and assist with a major donor program. The successful candidate will have experience with faith communities and social justice advocacy, a record of highly effective fundraising and donor development, and a creative portfolio of communication ability. Fluency in Spanish is highly desirable.
The NFWM national office is located in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Application Information
Applications should include a letter of interest and a current resumé (which includes education and accreditation history, a record of employment with summary of duties and roles, and at least three references with contact information). Interested candidates should submit their resumés and supporting documents to Lindsay Comstock, lcomstock@nfwm.org, as a Word or PDF formatted document. Review of resumés will begin on November 15, 2013 and continue until the position is filled.
For full Position Description, click HERE.