On December 15, 2012, the women of AMA, the Alianza de Mujeres Activas, held their annual Christmas event Las Posadas in Seville, FL. Three of us from YAYA were fortunate enough to join them for a delicious traditional Mexican dinner that the AMA members prepared. With the help of generous community members, AMA made sure that every child at the event when home with toys for Christmas. One mother said they would be the only toys her girls would get for Christmas this year, because she could not afford to buy presents.
We brought donations for the community from the YAYA holiday donation drive and other collections, and NFWM also provided “baby kits” with clothing and blankets for mothers with infants. Because of AMA’s tireless community organizing efforts over the years, these women are able to hold farmworker-run holiday events each year in their community of Seville.
It was exciting to be a part of one of many Las Posadas events that took place in farmworker communities around the state of Florida last weekend. In each town, farmworkers pulled their resources, determined to provide a joyful Christmas celebration for their own families and community members despite economic hardships.
We would like to thank everyone who donated to the YAYA holiday donation drive to help provide gifts for farmworker children. We are also very grateful to all the women of AMA for their beautiful hospitality. We’ve been having holiday dreams of tostadas and plum tamales since last Saturday, and we can’t wait to head back to Seville!
Dominique Aulusio
Pictures Courtesy of Ana Laura Bolanos