Photos from the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW)’s “Do the Right Thing” March in Tampa, FL by Katie Gillett
The YAYA group! We mobilized 50 members and supporters!
Nicole and Kevin dancing 🙂
YAYAs getting ready to march.
Kevin was the most enthusiastic YAYA!
YAYA also brought about 40 signs to the march
James, Daniela and Nicole started chants and kept the crowd going!
Schuyler marching with the farm workers to demand that Publix work with the CIW.
We were happy to see many new faces working for farm worker justice!
David was the cutest YAYA!
Curtis chanting for better conditions for farm workers.
One of the coolest pictures from the march!
Eliana made us all wish that our mothers had come to the march 🙂
Antonio kept it real! (We miss him)
Shane and Tia represented the Rollins College chapter of YAYA
Jimmy dancing after the march
Ina came down from Minnesota to march with YAYA and the CIW.
Dominique and Laura dancing on stage.
Thank you Orlando, Miami, Deland and Rollins YAYA!!!
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