On February 20, 2010, Orlando YAYA hosted a carwash to fund raise money for our chapter and for the Farmworker Council of Palm Beach County. On Saturday, a couple of YAYA members met at the Autozone located on Colonial with Rouse ready to fund raise for the farm worker cause.
We were there from 10am till 2pm and fund raised $200, which wouldn’t’t have been possible without everyone’s hard work and team work. This fundraiser was very successful and demonstrated the members’ dedication and passion for the farm worker cause, because we had both older and new members coming together. In the end we left with a renewed sense of confidence in ourselves and in the cause.
-Carolina Agudelo
Orlando YAYA
The carwash fundraiser went well; we raised $200. Several people showed up to volunteer and make signs. This was my first event with YAYA, which had a lot of joking and smiles. I got to talk with everyone there and hear the latest on the CIW. When I was younger I heard about the CIW through my church. I was surprised and happy to find YAYA.
– James Quill
(Photos courtesy of Juan Barredo)