After viewing the NFWM video, ” Maricela’s Story ,” which recounted a farm worker’s story of sexual harassment, the participants were treated to a special performance by a female mariachi band for clapping and singing and even some dancing. Committee members and many volunteers helped to make this a successful event.
As the oldest support group for farm workers in the nation, OCIC is thankful for their founders: Nat and Ralph Kennedy, Jean and Frank Forbath, and Roy Giordano (all who have passed), and Jeanne Giodana and the Rev. Chris Hartmire, first director of the NFWM, both still alive and kicking.
NFWM is grateful for the support of OCIC, both in raising funds for the Ministry and for participating in farm worker campaigns.
Could you do a similar event in YOUR church? Sí, se puede!