Dear Friends,
The 2024 election leaves many of us concerned about what will happen next but we know we must swiftly come together to raise awareness and mobilize for farm worker justice.
Now more than ever as people of faith and conscience, we must be vocal in our solidarity with farm workers. We must be the advocates our farm workers and immigrant communities deserve. If one is living in fear, we are all living in fear. Fear of deportation and family separation, fear of hard-won labor laws being rescinded, fear for our health and the well-being of our planet.
If we have learned anything from farm workers over the years, we have learned we must be persistent and loud. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, and we cannot allow the needs of farm worker communities to be ignored and dismissed by local, state, or federal legislators. We absolutely must stay diligent and remember we are in this for the long term. Like farm workers, we must be resilient in the face of hard times and arduous campaigns that have not been and will not be easy to win.
In the coming days, weeks, and months, we will share many ways you can show your support for the farm workers who are the backbone of our agricultural system. Today, here are four ways to show Congress and communities nationwide that consumers stand with farm workers:
- Sign NFWM’s petition urging Congress to create a reasonable path to citizenship for farm workers and other essential workers. Share the petition with as many people as possible.
- Encourage organizations to participate in NFWM’s sign-on letter urging Congress to create a reasonable path to citizenship.
- Raise awareness about farm worker issues online and in your community. Use NFWM’s resources to help facilitate meaningful and respectful conversations, like our materials on immigration. Go even further by hosting a house party where you can educate, equip, and mobilize your friends and family to support farm worker-led campaigns.
- Donate to NFWM so we can sustain our current work and expand our outreach.
Thank you for standing with farm workers, the work ahead will not be possible without your support.
In Solidarity,
The NFWM Team