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National Farmworker Awareness Week 2022

National Farmworker Awareness Week (NFAW) occurs March 25-31. It provides an opportunity for farm worker supporters across the country to honor farm workers’ important contributions and to raise awareness about the issues they face. This year’s theme will be Todos Unidos: Farmworker Communities & Activism Past and Present and will include different actions each day.

Student Action for Farmworkers (SAF) coordinates the week of awareness by providing collaboration, training, support, and resources that enable partners to organize actions and events on their campuses and in their communities. In short, SAF provides resources and support, and you coordinate the action! NFWM is a NFAW partner, and will be participating online through our social media channels. 

Can YOU host an event to show support and take action for farm workers?

Some ideas of ways to participate:

If you plan an event, let us know so we can register it on the NFAW website. Click below to find planning tools, social media kits, film screening ideas, media guides and more.

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