More than 80% of farmworker women experience
sexual harassment and/or assault in the workplace.
sexual harassment and/or assault in the workplace.
The Coalition of Immokalee Workers is launching “Harvests Without Violence,” a national educational campaign to address this reality. The new initiative is part of the CIW’s Wendy’s Campaign and will educate and mobilize around ending gender-based violence in the agricultural industry.
NFWM’s Member Organizations include 11 (of 27) groups that are primarily women. CIW’s Harvests Without Violence presents an opportunity for a unique partnership.
CIW has also created a new mobile museum to draw attention to the Fair Food Program’s effective prevention of violence against women in the fields. The mobile museum will visit Columbus and New York for two major mobilizations in which farmworker members of the CIW’s Grupo de Mujeres (Women’s Group) will publicly invite Wendy’s executives to meet with them and discuss the realities women face in the fields – and how the Fair Food Program (FFP) is preventing gender-based violence.