H-2A Webinar: What Consumers Need To Know

 The H-2A Program is a guest worker program offering temporary status to agricultural workers for 10 months or less.  The H-2A program has expanded rapidly from 139,832 jobs in 2015 to around 370,000 in 2022. Reports of abuse and exploitation are also growing. 

Even when Congress and other federal agencies have tried to protect workers through labor law requirements they have had little impact. Workers are often afraid to report any abuses as their invitation to work the next season is dependent upon the employer or labor contractor who hired them. 

Join National Farm Worker Ministry and guest speaker Caysey Farmer, Staff Attorney with the Immigrants’ and Language Rights Center (ILRC) at Indiana Legal Services, to learn more about the H-2A Program and why so many Farm Worker advocates are calling for the program to be reformed.

Webinar will be available in English and Spanish. A recording of the webinar will be sent to all registered applicants, so we encourage you to register even if you cannot attend.

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