The Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC) needs your help. This simple action supports thousands of tobacco farm workers and advances FLOC’s boycott of Reynolds American VUSE E-cigarette.
There are 15 Circle K / Kangaroo Express stores in the greater Raleigh area. We need each of them visited at least once – two and three times by different people is even better! CLICK HERE for an interactive map with directions to each; choose State/Raleigh and Category/Circle K. And if you know of a store not on this map – please do the same action there.
1. Do the store survey so that FLOC gets important information that helps them with the campaign.
- complete the survey on google forms, or
- download the survey, complete & scan/take a photo and email to flocsupport@nfwm.org, or
- download the survey, complete & mail to NFWM, PO Box 10645, Raleigh, NC 27605.
2. Leave the letter for corporate management – and give them a phone call – so they know tobacco farm workers have your support – consumer support!
3. Read these Instructions for how to do the action.
Please spread the word about the VUSE boycott and these actions. The more people supporting FLOC and farm workers, the sooner farm workers win this campaign!
Shareable Link to this page. https://nfwm.org/news/circle-k-survey-letterdrop/
WE ARE BUILDING UP TO A MARCH 28th ACTION AT THE REGIONAL OFFICE OF CIRCLE K IN RALEIGH. Help us send a CLEAR message to the Circle K regional office so they will stop stonewalling us about meeting to talk about why we want VUSE off their shelves. Please visit a Circle K before March 28th.
If you have any questions about how to do this action, please contact FLOC’s Vice-President Justin Flores at 704-577-3480 or NFWM’s Susan Alan at flocsupport@nfwm.org.
Hasta La Victoria! AND THANK YOU.