Catholic Migrant Farmworker Network: Executive Director – POSITION Announcement

POSITION Announcement- CMFN Executive Director  CMFN-Greem-Logo2-250

Catholic Migrant Farmworker Network seeks a dynamic, faith-based leader with demonstrated commitment to social justice for the position of Executive Director.


CMFN’s mission is to promote the formation of welcoming church communities by advocating social justice, dignity, and respect for all, in order that we may be a missionary church.  Catholic Migrant Farmworker Network is a national organization founded in 1986 that is dedicated to outreach and ministry with rural migrants and seasonal farmworkers residing in isolated rural areas who are highly mobile and often invisible in their local areas. CMFN has collaborated with the United States Conference of Catholic Bishop’s Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church (Sub-Committee of Pastoral Care of Migrants, Refugees and Travelers-PCMR/T) since 1992. The CMFN Board of Directors includes representatives from immigrant and farmworker organizations in the different regions of the US, and the members of the Network represent 47 states. The organizational web site address is:


The Executive Director is both the public face of CMFN and the manager of this small nonprofit organization. The successful candidate will have demonstrated a commitment to social justice through past work with immigrant communities or other marginalized groups. The successful candidate will have at least five years’ experience with Spanish speaking immigrants, including advocacy experience. Strong written and oral communication skills are desired, especially with people of diverse cultures. The successful candidate should have a collaborative leadership style and a record of effective fundraising and supervision. At a minimum, a Bachelor’s degree from an accredited university is required. Prior experience with farm workers and or, rural immigrants is highly desirable. The successful candidate must be fluent in Spanish.


The CMFN office has been located in Canton, Ohio in the Diocese of Youngstown since 2009. In April 2013, the Board with a consultant created a five year strategic plan for the organization. There is a full time Executive Administrative Assistant and a Volunteer from the Humility of Mary Volunteer Program who will be joining the team in late August.


Applications should include a letter of interest and a current resume which includes educational history, a record of employment with summary of duties and roles and at least three references with contact information. Interested candidates should submit

their resumes to CMFN Search Committee at as a Microsoft Word or pdf formatted document. The Search Committee hopes to have a candidate to propose for Board approval by September 2013.


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