Boycotts HAVE been won. Growers HAVE signed contracts. Companies HAVE entered into agreements. MOUs (Memorandums of Understanding) HAVE been created. Legislators HAVE listened to our concerns and demands. Every dollar you give helps us expand our impact and work alongside farm workers to ensure that their rights are recognized. We have nearly reached our 50 for 50 Campaign goal, and we’ve reached 64% of our annual fundraising goal. Join us during this season of giving in helping us continue this work while raising awareness about the farm worker movement. We couldn’t do our work without your support.
If you plan to do online holiday shopping, you can give a portion of your purchases to NFWM through AmazonSmile, a separate portal from Amazon’s main site. When users shop on AmazonSmile, the Retailer’s Foundation contributes 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the charity of your choice. NFWM is a registered nonprofit with AmazonSmile. There is no cost to charities or customers, and 100% of the donation generated from eligible purchases goes to the consumer’s charity of choice.