On Aug 26-27, YAYA members Jimmy Dunson (Tampa Bay YAYA), Drew Beres and Jenny Lee (Olympia YAYA) attended the 2011 Fall Board Meeting for the National Farm Worker Ministry.
At this meeting YAYAs were able to meet NFWM board members and share with them, while learning more about the farm worker movement and the work of the organization.
YAYAs got together to strategize about the next steps for the next few years and listened to presentations by farm workers and the UFW, responsible growers and NFWM staff. YAYAs also marched in support of the Ruby Ridge Dairy Workers.
“Yayas initiated a karaoke night at the conference room with National Farm Worker Ministry board members and staff. The staff and board members were much better singers than the YAYA kids. Proving once again, that youth can learn a lot from their elders.
We got to hear stories about the Oregon Farm Worker Ministry and how people put aside their personal comfort and safety and risked their lives to stand in solidarity with farmworkers.
We learned about farmers who are making an effort to improve the lives of their workers. Although even with the best intentions, its beyond difficult to institute justice affirming economic relationships within the context of a capitalist economy.
We were all well-fed, especially physically but also spiritually through conversations with some inspiring folks who have been in the struggle, in some cases since before we were born.
We all marched to a dairy, in solidarity with farmworkers who have been trying to unionize in order to change the oppressive conditions under which they work.
The dairy workers have faced repression and violence in their attempts to have their voices heard and their rights recognized.Unfortunately, Darigold, refused to meet with anybody.
But farmworkers and their allies weren’t dismayed and generally have the understanding that this is a marathon, not a sprint, and that true justice in the fields and factories can’t be won without long-term persistent struggle.”
Jimmy Dunson
Tampa Bay YAYA
“On 8.27.11 YAYAs from Olympia & Tampa Bay marched with the National Farmworker Ministry & United Farmworkers in support of Ruby Ridge Dairy workers who have been seeking a union contract for almost 2 years. Since Darigold purchases milk from Ruby Ridge but has refused to intervene in this dispute they are complicit in the abuses that these workers have suffered.
Join us on October 2nd in Seattle as we march again with the UFW to Darigold’s Headquarters & let them know that they cannot ignore farmworkers!”
Jenny Lee
Olympia YAYA