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2009 Newsletter

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In this issue:

  1. 2009 Achievements
  2. Take Action!
  3. YAYAs in Action!
  4. YAYA On-line

1. 2009 Achievements

We want to thank you for your support during the year of 2009! Thanks to YOU we have been able to organize and to participate in many events, presentations, rallies and projects to support farm workers!

You have already been a part of this struggle. Perhaps you sent a postcard, participated in a rally, signed-on to a letter, sponsored a speaker or
attended a presentation. We thank you for your solidarity.
Now we ask that you take another step and support the work of the National Farm Worker Ministry and its Youth and Young Adult Network with your financial contribution. Thanks to your support, this year…

All of this was only possible because of your support. Thank you. We depend on people like you to continue our mission.

Today we need your help more than ever. Please make a contribution today.

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1. Take Action!

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3. YAYAs in Action!

Check out what we have been up to lately!

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4. YAYAs Online!

Visit our YAYAs in Action blog to learn more about our most recent projects and events.

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