This year’s Farm Worker Awareness Week was a success! Young people in Florida worked hard to honor farm workers, support farm worker campaigns and bring awareness about the farm worker movement to their communities.
This year we focused on supporting different campaigns throughout the events. Some of the campaigns were:
– Cesar Chavez Holiday (Click here for more info)
– CIW Fair food Campaign (Click here for more info)
– Dream Act (Click here for more info)
– FLOC RJ Reynolds Campaign(Click here for more info)
– Flower workers Campaign in Colombia (Click here and here for more info)
– YAYA Florida Bicycle Drive (Click here for more info)
A total of 12 activities, involving more than 200 people, took place in the cities of Gainesville, Orlando and Winter Park. These activities included gleaning, fixing and delivering bicycles to farm workers, bringing speakers to schools and churches, using art, film and music to spread awareness and setting information tables.