Statements and Resolutions


Interested in what some faith traditions have said about social, economic, and racial justice? Denominational Statements, Resolutions, and more are linked below.

NFWM is proud over its long history to be associated with a wide variety of faith groups.


Statements and Resolutions


Alliance of Baptists – 2014 – A Statement on Justice for Farmworkers

Alliance of Baptists – 2013 – A Statement on Food Justice



Catholic Church – 1965 – Vatican II

Catholic Church – Pope Francis Urges Respect for Farm Workers’ Rights (video)



Church of the Brethren – 1974 – Denominational Statement

Church of the Brethren – 1982 – Refugees

Church of the Brethren – 2018- Creation Care


Church Women United – 2011 – Farm Worker Resolution

Disciples of Christ – 1973 – Resolution in Support of Farm Workers

Disciples of Christ – Renewing Support for National Farm Worker Ministry

Disciples of Christ – Environmental Program and Advocacy (Green Chalice) 


Episcopal Church – 2006 – Fundamental Principles Included in “The ‘Alien Among You’” Policy

Episcopal Church – Feb. 2013 – Testimony at General Convention

Episcopal Church – April 2013 – Testimony at Senate Judiciary Committee



National Council of Churches of Christ – 2003 – A Resolution of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. Mount Olive Pickle Boycott

National Council of Churches of Christ – 2008 – Connecting to the Creed: A Social Creed for the 21st Century



Presbyterian Church USA – 2006 – Denominational Statement

Presbyterian Church USA: Social Witness Policy by Topic

Presbyterian Church USA – 2002 – We Are What We Eat

Presbyterian Church USA – 2008 – Selected Social Witness Policies on Work as Vocation, Unions and Collective Bargaining

Presbyterian Church US – 2004 –  Resolution Calling for a Comprehensive Legalization Program for Immigrants Living and Working in the United States


Province Statement on Immigration – October 2017 


UCC LogoA Resolution on Becoming an Immigrant Welcoming Church (General Synod 31, 2017)

Resolution Supporting Compassionate Comprehensive Immigration Reform and the Protection of the Human Rights of Immigrants (General Synod 29, 2013)


United Methodist Church – 2012 – Social Principles

United Methodist Church – 2016 – Rights of Farm Workers in the United States

The United Methodist Church: Climate Justice

The United Methodist Church: Immigration in the U.S. 

The United Methodist Church: Worker Justice



Unitarian Universalist Church – 1976 – General Resolution on Farm Worker Initiatives



 Supporting Organizations’ Documents:

North Carolina Council of Churches – 2004 – Resolution in Support of Organized Labor in North Carolina


 Labor Day Documents:

US Catholic Conference of Bishops, Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development – 2014 – Labor Day Statement