NFWM has signed on to this important statement:
Statement by Farmworker Advocates on COVID-19
Partner updates (as of 3/23/2020)
- The Coalition of Immokalee Workers in Florida cancelled their recent mobilization in New York. They released a statement on March 19: “Yon Sel Ko”: Timely wisdom from the Haitian peasant movement at the root of the CIW
- The UFW has sent an open letter to growers and agriculture business. To see the letter, go to: https://ufw.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/COVID-19-2020-Open-Letter-from-UFW-FINAL.pdf Most of the farm workers who are part of the UFW have health coverage and earn sick days, unusual for the majority of farm workers in the US.
- NPR recently included FLOC Vice President, Justin Flores, in their coverage of the coronavirus and it’s impact on farm workers in NC. Go to https://www.npr.org/2020/03/18/816644358/covid-19-threatens-food-supply-chain-as-farms-worry-about-workers-falling-ill
- The Farmworker Association of Florida’s director, Antonio Tovar, was quoted in The Counter about health implications for Florida’s farm workers, go to https://thecounter.org/farmworkers-uninsured-covid-19-coronavirus/
- CATA – The Farmworker Support Committee has offered the following: Contact your representatives to be sure immigrants are included in the stimulus package being worked on by Congress. Go to https://p2a.co/VjUQpoe.
- CATA also shared a partnership with the Food Chain Workers Alliance that addresses the broader scope of all workers who are on the frontline of our food process, including farm workers specifically. Here is the link for sending a message to your Congressional representative, https://actionnetwork.org/letters/food-workers-on-the-front-line-need-urgent-protections-now?clear_id=true&link_id=0&can_id=c623bcb4198b838cb5c38c662bc1262f&source=email-what-food-workers-on-the-front-lines-need-right-now&email_referrer=email_756918&emaih