On Thursday, October 2, 2014, Orlando YAYA will be hosting a movie screening for “The Fight For Water: A Farm Worker Struggle”
In 2009, the California Water Crisis had a detrimental effect on a farming community after their water supply was cut off. The film depicts how the environmental decision impacted many lives and their struggle as they fight for their water.
To eliminate one’s access to water is akin to denying a person’s livelihood.
Join Orlando YAYA and the community as we gather to watch this powerful documentary and SUPPORT THE HANDS THAT FEED US.
The screening will take place at University Unitarian Universalist Society located at 11648 McColluch Rd. Orlando, FL 32817 at 7:00 PM and is FREE OF CHARGE so bring your friends and family! Donations are welcomed =]
RSVP on Facebook here!
Watch the Fight for Water trailer here!
For any questions, please feel free to contact Cristina Berrios at (786)-709-6139 or Brian Luft at (813)-767-1057. You may also email us at yaya@nfwm.org. Carpool will be provided!