A message for the United Farm Workers (UFW):
“Last month, after more than 10 years of review, California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) finally released their proposed new guidelines on use of the brain-harming pesticide chlorpyrifos. But there is a catch … the new “restricted use” guidelines will be entirely voluntary. And these voluntary regulations don’t do enough to protect children.
California uses the majority of the pesticide and can set the tone and influence policy for the nation.
It’s time to elevate the pressure. Join the UFW and a coalition of environmental groups in urging California Governor Brown to provide some much-needed leadership to better protect the health of children. Our coalition will be turning in the petition to Governor Brown in early December and wants to get at least25,000 signatures.
A decade is a long time. With more than one million pounds of chlorpyrifos used in California fields every year, countless children have been put in harm’s way as DPR drags its feet.
The harm of this dangerous pesticide is real and well documented. Studies have shown that exposure to this chemical during pregnancy can actually change the architecture of a developing brain. UC Davis MIND Institute research confirmed links between chlorpyrifos and learning disabilities. The DPR’s own recent air monitoring data found chlorpyrifos in one of every three samples taken in three California communities.
Farm worker children in rural areas get a double dose of this harmful chemical. In addition to residues on fruits and vegetables, these kids breathe in chlorpyrifos that drifts into their homes, schools and playgrounds from nearby fields.
This is a critical national issue that California can and should take the lead on. Tell California’s Governor Jerry Brown enough of the delays. It’s time for him to step up to protect all California children from this dangerous pesticide. Sign the petition today!”
Thank you for your continued support of farm workers!