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Miguel Cuevas, one of the Darigold Dozen says, “We have to stand up to these bullying actions; it’s clear they’re not only trying to punish us for standing up for ourselves, but wanting to send a message to dairy workers atother Darigold dairies this is what will happen to you if you stand up for your rights.”


PLEASE STAND in SOLIDARITY with Margarito Martinez, Armando Herrera, Elvis Flamenco, Cirilo Ramirez, Gildardo Perez, Jesus Perez, Teresita Anguiano, Saul Solorio, Rafael Muniz, Manuel Reynaga, Miguel Cuevas, and Miguel Espiritu. AND with Maria Miranda Gonzalez. AND with thousands more dairy workers.

MAKE THE CALL TODAY! And sign the workers’ petition to Darigold.

It is paramount that those with power know – FARM WORKERS WHO ARE BEING RETALIATED AGAINST ARE NOT ALONE! People of faith & conscience stand with them.

1. Call Costco CEO Craig Jelinek—-his Exec. Assistant is Mary Ann–direct line is 425-313-8301. Tell Mary Ann you would like to speak to Craig Jelinek. (Please be prepared to leave a message on voice mail. State your name and leave your message.)

Your Message:
My name is ________________. My message is that religious leaders, people of faith and conscience and consumers are concerned about the abuse of dairy workers at Darigold member dairies. I request that Costco tell Darigold to meet with the United Farm Workers to resolve these issues so that the abuses and the retaliation against workers for speaking up stop. Thank you.

2. Call Stan Ryan, CEO Darigold, 206-216-4283. (Please be prepared to leave a message on voice mail. State your name and leave your message.)

Your Message:
My name is ________________. My message is that religious leaders, people of faith and conscience and consumers are concerned about the abuse of dairy workers at Darigold member dairies. I support the UFW and dairy workers and their right to stand up against abuse and retaliation. I would like to know what Darigold is doing to end these abuses. And I urge Darigold to resolve the dispute with the dairy workers and the UFW and ensure the rights of dairy workers are upheld. Thank you.

Email Julie Taylor at & let us know how the call went.


Ruby Ridge Dairy

More Darigold Member Dairies

Thursday, September 20, 8:30 am – 5 pm, Press event at noon
The Fast of Reconciliation: Join UFW President Arturo Rodriguez and Darigold member dairy workers in a FAST at:

Darigold Headquarters
5601 6th Ave. South, Suite 300
Seattle, Washington 98108

The Fast will continue same time and place on
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Sept 21-24.


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