A message from the United Farm Workers (UFW):
“Gerawan workers are excited. The Los Angeles Unified School District Board (LAUSD), who contracts to purchase Gerawan’s products, is taking a stand for their rights. On February 10, the LAUSD Board will vote on a resolution asking its procurement office to inform the board about Gerawan Farming’s compliance with fair labor practices before any contracts with this vendor are brought to the board for approval. Can you sign the Gerawan workers’ petition in support of this resolution? Gerawan workers will deliver the signed petition when they testify in Los Angeles on February 10th.
This vote will be held while an administrative judge in Fresno is continuing to preside over the months long state hearing regarding alleged flagrant labor law violations by Gerawan Farming Inc.
The school board resolution ‘calls upon Gerawan Farming to comply with state and federal laws, including labor relations…and to immediately implement the agreement issued by the neutral mediator and the state of California.’ The proposed LAUSD resolution vows to ensure ‘that agricultural vendors and suppliers be in compliance with all local, state and federal laws, including the Agricultural Labor Relations Act.’ It also requests that the district’s ‘Procurement Services Division report back to the board updating Gerawan Farming’s compliance with fair labor practices before any contracts with this vendor are brought to the board for approval.’ The Los Angeles City Council and Berkeley City Council both passed similar resolutions.”