A message from the United Farm Workers (UFW):
“Home use of the pesticide chlorpyrifos was banned over a decade ago because science showed it harms to children’s developing brains and nervous systems — including reduced IQ and increased risk of autism. Yet use in agricultural fields across the country continues.
The science is now even stronger. Recent studies show the same risks. Yet the EPA is — inexcusably — proposing that use of the chemical continues.
Residues of this toxic pesticide are found on many fruits and vegetables, including common childhood favorites like grapes, apples and peaches. Children in rural areas are particularly at risk, since the pesticide can also drift from fields into nearby homes and schools — a risk EPA consistently underestimates.
It’s high time for EPA to take action protecting children, workers and communities across the country from this harmful chemical. The EPA is taking comments on its latest review of the health risks of chlorpyrifos. Please sign the online petition today that the UFW and a coalition of groups will hand to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy in mid-March.”