Support the Farm Labor Organizing Committee’s national boycott of Reynolds American e-cigarette VUSE.
Sign FLOC’S National Petition to the corporate officers of 7-Eleven, Couche Tard (Circle K) and WAWA convenience store chains urging them to remove Reynolds American VUSE e-cigarette boycott from their shelves.
For ten years, FLOC and their allies like NFWM have been challenging Reynolds American to work with FLOC to end abuses and human rights violations in their tobacco supply chain by guaranteeing a process that would protect freedom of association on their contract farms.
As a way to escalate pressure on Reynolds, we need you to stand with farm workers by boycotting VUSE and demanding that convenience stores stop selling this product until Reynolds agrees to give farm workers a voice and a practical mechanism that they can use to negotiate better working and living conditions without fear of retaliation!
Thank You!