Posadas are a traditional Catholic Mexican Celebration of the Nativity. Usually, the posada takes place nine days before Christmas Eve to represent the nine days in which Joseph and Mary where searching for shelter before Mary gave birth to Jesus. Posadas are celebrated in the house of a different relative or friend on each of the nine days. The hosts of the posada represent the innkeepers, or the individuals who provide the shelter, while the guests represent Mary and Joseph. Traditionally, the guests ask three different houses for shelter, but only the third house will let them in. That is the house where the posada takes place. During the posadas people pray to the rosary and have piñatas for the children.
YAYA has attended farm worker organized posadas since 2009. Every year we collect toys for children of farm worker families (Have you made your donation for this year?) You can check out some pictures and reports from previous years here.
We would like to invite you to join us for this year’s celebrations:
PSC Toy Distribution, Dec 13th and 14th
On December 13th and 14th, Friday and Saturday, YAYAs will be helping to distribute toys with the Pinellas Support Committee of the National Farm Worker Ministry (PSC) to migrant and low-income families in the Tampa area. We are requesting volunteers for BOTH Friday and Saturday.
On Friday, 12/13, we will be meeting at St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church located at 407 S Saturn Ave., Clearwater, FL 33755, from 8AM-4PM to help organize toys for the distribution taking place on Saturday. Volunteers may help at anytime throughout the designated hours.
On Saturday, 12/14, we will be meeting at St. Clement Catholic Church located at 1104 N Alexander St, Plant City, FL 33563 from 8-4PM to help distribute toys to families. Volunteers may help at anytime throughout the designated hours. We will be needing as much help as possible this day as many people will be there to receive their gifts for their families.
Carpool will be provided both days from the Orlando area. Please contact us if you would like to attend and/or carpool!
AMA Posada, Dec 14th
On Saturday, December 14th, Alizana de Mujeres Activas (AMA) will be hosting their community posada! YAYAs will be volunteering at the event and sharing food and holiday cheer with community members! The Posada will take place from 1:30PM until 6PM at the AMA office located at 1596 US Hwy 17 Seville Fl 32190. Carpool will be provided from Orlando, leaving at 11:30AM. For more information contact us.
FWAF Fellsmere Posada, Dec 19th
On Friday, December 19th, the Fellsmere office of the Farm Worker Association of FLorida (FWAF) will be hosting their annual community Posada. YAYAs will be assisting in food preparation, distribution of toys, and playing with children throughout the event. We will be meeting at the NFWM office at 3PM and returning around 9PM. Dinner will be provided.
The carpool will be meeting at the NFWM office at 3PM to leave by 3:30PM. If you are interested in attending the event, please contact us.