You have read previously in NFWM’s updates that both the Agricultural Worker Program Act (“Blue Card” bill) and the Fairness for Farm Workers Act (Overtime bill) were re-introduced in the 116th Congress. Both are significant pieces of legislation for farm workers and for securing a stable agricultural work force and a sustainable agricultural system. Please follow our updates on the progress of these bills and we urge you to act to support them.
The most pressing need now is to increase the number of co-sponsors in Congress.
If you have not already contacted your Congressional Representative, please do so today! Farm workers gain when you act.
On April 3, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship held a hearing entitled “Securing the Future of American Agriculture.” In her opening remarks, Representative Zoe Lofgren (D-CA), the Chair of the Subcommittee, highlighted the current lack of options for farm workers to gain lawful immigration status and stressed that there should be a “seat at America’s table for those who have long grown the food served on it.”
For a full account of the hearing, visit Farmworker Justice’s website.