National Farm Worker Ministry welcomes Vice President Biden’s push for the passage of Comprehensive Immigration reform (CIR). On a call held recently with faith leaders, the vice president discussed the critical importance of passing legislation for CIR, as well as for gun control.
During the call, Sr. Simone Campbell, Executive Director of Network, reminded us that our broken immigration system affects us all, not just the undocumented, and that we must “break out of our fear”, a fear which is holding us back.
Other respondents eloquently shared their support for CIR.
Dr. Warren H. Stewart, Senior Pastor, First Institutional Baptist Church in Phoenix, Arizona. Dr. Stewart called this a “kairos (i.e. ‘right on time’) moment to speak truth to power.”
Leith Anderson, President of the National Association of Evangelicals, reminded us that there were 92 biblical references to immigration and three commandments in the Old Testament about love, “to love God, love your neighbor, and love the stranger living with you” was a particularly germane piece of scripture.
Minerva Carcaño, United Methodist Bishop, Los Angeles Episcopal Area, California-Pacific Conference for the UMC, said that our immigration policies have created a culture of fear that “penetrates to the very core of our country.” She also said that we long for healing and that “it is time for prayer and hard work for immigration reform.”