Women Leaders in Organizing, a panel discussion (video)
The NFWM board brought together women leaders of farm worker organizing groups to participate in a panel discussion to hear about each panelists’ organization as well as the unique challenges these women face as leaders of these organizations.
Additionally topics include some realities from the fields: the ongoing concerns about gender-based violence, the harsh impact of climate change on farm workers (especially women and children), and more.
Featureng Reyna Lopez: Executive Director, Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste (PCUN) Teresa Romero: President, United Farm Workers Union (UFW) Mily Trevino-Saucedo: Executive Director, Alianza Nacional de Campesinas. Moderated by Rev. Dr. Sharon Stanley-Rea, Director, Disciples Refugee & Immigration Ministries of the Christian Church/Disciples of Christ, NFWM Board Member.