During the month of March, Orlando YAYA members volunteered in several farm worker events. We would like to thank our volunteers for all their help! We could never do it without you!!!
HIV/AIDS Awareness Day in Pierson, Florida
Orlando YAYAs Nicole Godreau and Leslie Cordero volunteered doing childcare at the HIV/AIDS Awareness Day event organized by AMA.
“The Alliance of Active Women organized this event really well. I felt that the information provided was presented in an interesting manner. There was even a make-over station for the women, in between workshops. YAYA babysat the children at the event, making bracelets, flowers out of tissue paper, and playing tag outside. I had a really great time with the children, and I’m really glad I got to be around such strong women.”
Nicole Godreau
Orlando YAYA
Nursery Project Women’s Meeting in Seville, Florida
Orlando YAYAs Nicole Godreau, Eden Martin and Jessica Wolff volunteered doing Childcare for the Nursery Project Women’s Meeting while the women of the community discussed the major issues that affect them and how they can solve them.
Know Your Rights Training for Immigrants in Deland, Florida
Orlando YAYA, Eden Martin and Deland YAYA Karina Valdez volunteered doing childcare during a training in Deland that taught immigrants about their legal rights in this country.
St John’s County Events
Orlando YAYAs Eden Martin, Antonio Franco and his father Raymundo Franco transporter bicycles for YAYA’s Farm Worker Bicycle Drive and volunteered at two St John’s County events: a health fare for farm workers in Spuds, Florida and the Baptist Church’s monthly clinic/food pantry/clothing pantry in Elkton, Florida. They delivered health and school kits to farm workers and distributed information about pesticides and worker’s rights.
Farm Worker Association’s Women to Women Conference, Apopka, Florida
Orlando YAYAs Richard Gaiser and Juan Barredo volunteered doing childcare at the Farm Worker Association’s Women to Women Conference in Apopka.
YAYA’s participated on these events as part of Farm Worker Awareness Week!
(Photo courtesy of Juan Barredo.)