
Scriptures related to Farm Workers and Immigrants

Farm Workers

James 5:1-5: Laborers cry out
Timothy (II) 2:6: First share of crops
Corinthians (II) 9.10,12: God supplies seed; thanks

Justice & Hospitality towards Immigrants

Exodus 12:49: Same law
Exodus 23:9 Don’t oppress strangers
Exodus 23:12: Rest for alien
Numbers 9:14: Same law
Numbers 15:29: Same law
Deut. 23:7: Don’t abhor Egyptians
Deuteronomy 24:14-15: Pay wages
Deut. 27:19 Don’t oppress sojourner
Psalm 146:9: Sojourner watched over
Jeremiah 7:5-7: Don’t oppress alien
Duet 10: 17-19: Execute justice
Deut 17: 19: Don’t pervert justice
Exodus 22:21: Don’t wrong stranger
Leviticus 24:22: One law
Lev 19:33-34: Love stranger as self
Ezekiel; 22:29-30: Stand in gap
Eph 2: 14-19: Break wall of hostility
Zechariah 7:9-10: Don’t oppress alien
Peter (I) 4: 8-9: Practice hospitality
Hebrews 13:1-2: Entertaining Angels


Isaiah 65:22-23: Not labor in vain
Mark 10:42-45: First is last
Genesis 2:1-2: God rested
Deuteronomy 24:14-15: Pay wages
Isaiah 5:1-7: Vineyard parable
Jeremiah 34: 8-14: Set slaves free
Strength & Survival
Corinthians (II) 4: 7-10: Afflicted not crushed

Social Responsibility & Action

Deuteronomy 15:11: Open hand to poor
Proverbs 21:13: Hear cry of poor
Timothy (II) 1:7: Spirit of power
Psalms 41:1: Consider the poor
Psalms 82:3-4: Justice to weak
Luke 4:18-19: Good News
Isaiah 1: 13, 15-17: Seek Justice
Jeremiah 22:3: Do justice
Zechariah 7:8-9: Show mercy
Matthew 10:40: Receiving Me
John (I) 3:17-18: Love in deed, truth
Corinthians (I) 12:12-13: Body is One
Corinthians (I) 12:26: Suffering by All
Corinthians (I) 12: 12-27 Full verse
Philippians 2:4: Interests of others
Matthew 22:39: Neighbor as Self
Luke 10:27: Neighbor as Self
Romans 12:21: Good over Evil
Poverty & Standing with Poor
Psalm 112: 5-9: Righteous: Give to poor
Paul of Tarsus, 2 Corinthians 8 (tev): Help those in need
Isaiah 3.15: Grind faces of Poor
Deuteronomy 24:14-15: Pay wages
Amos 5:11-12: Trampling the poor
Psalms 72:2-4: Defend cause of poor
James 5:1-6: Riches have rotted
Luke 6:20, 24: Blessed are poor
Luke 16:19-31: Lazarus at Gate
Matthew 25:34-40: I was thirsty
Luke 1:52-53: Filled the hungry
Psalm 35:10 (or all): Deliver the weak
Jeremiah 9: 22-23: No glory in riches
Timothy (I)6:17-18: Rich, be generous

 Justice (general)

Exodus 3:7-8
Amos 5:21-24: Justice roll like waters
Micah 6:8: Do Justice, Kindness
Ecclesiastes 4:1: Tears of oppressed
Isaiah 30:18: God of Justice
Isaiah 32:17: Effect of justice, peace
Isaiah 58: 6-11: Free oppressed
Psalm 72: 1-4: Defend poor; crush oppressor
Jeremiah 10:23-24: Steadfast love
Isaiah 16:3-5: Grant justice
Jeremiah 21:11-12 Execute Justice
Jeremiah 22:13,15-17: Woe to exploitation
Amos 5: 7-12: Those doing injustice
Hosea 10:12-15: Sow righteousness

Hunger: Selected Biblical References

Luke 12:22-23, 29-31:Not Bread Alone
Isaiah 16
Luke 18: 1-8
Matthew 18:15-18: Tell it to the church
Ezekiel 34:25-31: Covenant of peace
Mark 11:15-17: Money Changers in Temple
Revelation 1:1-4: New Heaven & earth
Genesis 1:26-28: God the Creator
Matthew 6:24: Can’t serve 2 masters
Amos 2:6-7: Trampling head of poor